‘Newly discovered’ ingredient/nutrients are
not deemed 'GRAS' (Generally Recognized As Safe) without some basic tests, proving the ‘limits’ (what the maximum amounts and/or conditions are before it’s deemed ‘unsafe’).
Then, they look at its interaction with other vitamins, minerals, nutrients, ingredients, mammal bodies, and common drugs… and the co-factors (other stuff necessary for it to function), IF it is established that it’s mostly safe, reasonably controllable, not commonly deadly, and otherwise beneficial to enough people, at a value they are willing/able to spend so the manufacturer doesn’t lose a pile of money, things move forward. However, if it doesn’t pencil out to be probably profitable, or at least not a huge liability, then it’s likely dropped right then and there. Maybe a patent is processed still, for protection and future bartering value.
Then the Scope of Market questions must be answered: